- Hococo Help
- Documents
How do I add a document?
Find the menu on the left. Click on Documents.
Click on Add documents at the top left and fill out the information:
- Add Recipient for the document
- Select Project, unit or resident who must be able to see the document. Mark the recipient in the check box.
- Add category from the dropdown menu Categories
- Choose Language of the relevant document: Click EN for English and DA for Danish. When the icon with EN/DA turns green, it is selected. You can possibly Add more languages by clicking the plus icon.
- Title of the document
- Document description (e.g. House rules. Here you will find information about quiet periods, washing times, etc.)
- Click on Upload document and find the document (PDF format) that you want to upload.
- Mark the document internal if you do not wish the residents to see it.
Click on Create Document.